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Osiris Munir – Experiment in Abstraction

This collection came about as I descended into a mental state of mind having to do with self-care and the guarding of one’s mental health. The massive build up of superficial impulses now turned real. The realness of being pushed, pulled, emotionally charred near death, and dying a thousand times or more, only to find that there’s both pain and pleasure in transformation. Using strokes of awake, the colors of already woke and the brush of emotional consequences made by choices all rolled into the sound and moods of the abstract experience. The dark portals of the unhidden that lie in the very crevices of theta, with or without the visibility of alpha and beta and embracing the realm of silence and aloneness, there is an abstract experience. An experiment that could easily go wrong, right or fall into the non-descriptive category, of saying nothing, doing nothing, just looking, feeling, and hearing.

Exhibition Artworks