In Life & Engagement coaching the coach helps you find solutions to your challenges and overcome obstacles to your success by asking questions.
Engagement Coaching is not therapy or counseling, mentoring, advice-giving or problem-solving.
You will be invited, but not required, to share with the group.

Group Coaching Sessions, 1st Tuesday of the month, 2:00 -3:00 pm
In this session, we focus on experiencing the present moment.
In this session, you view artworks and use them to expand your perspective on a topic of your choice.
Life Bridge
This gives you an overview of your life and a can be starting point for choosing a coaching topic.
Value Mining
Values in Engagement Coaching represent what is most important to you. Value mining helps you identify the values most important to you—your core values. Then you explore the impact these values have on your art and life.
Saboteur Wrangling
What often gets in the way of living our core values deeply are self-limiting voices, saboteurs, inside of us. Those voices use guilt, shame, and fear (amongst other descriptors) to keep us from living an engaged and fulfilled life. In Engagement Coaching, we get to know our saboteurs by describing, naming, and shining a light on them to better understand and tame them.
Coaching by Mary Smith
Mary is working toward a Life & Engagement Coach certificate at Anne Arundel Community College. This coaching will help fulfill the coaching experience required for the certificate.