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2024 Address:Earth @ Lyndhurst

Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition Proposal

address earth


Bibiana Huang Matheis, Curator                                          

Inspiration Art Group International

Tel. 845-264-3015

The Inspiration Art Group International Proposes a Major Sculpture Exhibition at the grounds of Lyndhurst, as part of the organization’s ‘Address Earth Art Expo’.

Exhibition title: “Address Earth Art Expo “

Curated by: Bibiana Huang Matheis

Proposed Locations/Times: To be determined. The suggested dates are April-October 2024

Project Description

The ‘Address Earth Art Expo’ is an annual event in a wide range of Hudson Valley venues, including the HV-MOCA. The proposed exhibition at Lyndhurst features a collection of work by sculptors and artists from the Inspiration Art Group International (IAGI), to at once celebrate our planet Earth and to use our art to address the critical global issues that affect our world and environment.

We are at a critical juncture in the history of our planet where recognizing our common interests and shared well-being are vital. As artists, we have the ability to speak to these deeper truths and bring our vision to the wider world. This exhibition celebrates varied aspects of the planet home we all share. Artists will address ecology, sustainability, climate change, endangered species, clean water, deforestation, humanity – and related issues. Artists will unite under the common theme and express their own vision artistically, without boundaries.


  • 33 artists have submitted proposals to display a total of 41 sculptures in the Lyndhurst grounds and greenhouse.
  • All artworks will be installed and removed by the IAGI members and is covered by IAGI liability insurance.
  • Included in this proposal are the detailed plans for each sculpture by each artist, indicating: Size, weight, materials used, installation/anchoring method, plus images and sketches of each sculpture.
  • Also included are artists’ brief bios and website links.
  • The curator has included maps of the Lyndhurst grounds and greenhouse, showing possible location of each sculpture, planning for site-specific location due to appearance, weight and size.
  • The curator took great care to consider how to position each piece to look its best. The overall look of the entire outdoor event was considered to optimize and balance the overall exhibition.
  • The exhibition will be a positive event to show off the Lyndhurst Mansion the grounds and the Hudson River; yet, the exhibition cannot be overpowering. It must be fitting and blending with the estate, as an organic, temporary expansion of the Lyndhurst.

Sculptures on the Lyndhurst Grounds

map of exhibition with images of sculptures

Find out more about the sculptures on the Lyndhurst grounds.

Sculptures in the Lyndhurst Greenhouse

map of greenhouse and images of sculptures

Find out more about the sculptures in the Lyndhurst greenhouse.

Address Earth © 2022 Bibiana Huang Matheis