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Monique Allain, T-LL=SM+T-R

Cipher Voice series, Mixed media on wood panel,12 x12 inches, $670.00 USD, New York

“Man is an ‘alienated’ animal, who must create symbols and order them in codes if he wants to bridge the gap between himself and the ‘world’. He must attempt to ‘mediate’. He must attempt to give the “world” meaning…

… Wherever one discovers codes, one can infer human presence.”

As a biologist at first, I worked with environmental preservation and developed a strong connection with nature. There are so many disasters happening right now in the world…, depredation of the Amazon rainforest, deterioration of the environment, indigenous populations decimated due to lack of protection and care by governments, hunger, wars…, there is very little good news! I want to shake who does not care about all these tragedies. Through my work, I wish to call attention to the urgency of doing something to avoid a collapse of our environment and our (un)civilization.

CipherVoiceis a series of small works. Their titles are coded. When I was a teenager, I used this code to take my notes, in which the vocals were replaced by mathematical symbols.