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artwork wolf and skeleton

Tanya Kukucka, Endangered: Red Wolf; Extinct: Red Wolf

Acrylic on canvas, Diptych 20” x 32” ( each 20” x 16”), $800.00 USD each, New York

“ Mirror Mirror on the wall- Will humans help to save us all?”

When we gaze into a mirror, do we see our future selves? 

This is a diptych depicting images of the American Red Wolf, the only large carnivore species solely native to the USA. It is classified as “ critically endangered “ by the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 1973. The species has been reduced to only 35 left in the wild, residing only in North Carolina. Red wolves once inhabited much of the Eastern US but are now close to extinction due to human hunting and habitat loss. The Red Wolf recovery program is in effect, tracking and monitoring the remaining wolves. The American red wolf is a national treasure that we must save. If we don’t help, these beautiful and important creatures will become extinct.