October 13 – December 4

A Lecture by Marcy B. Freedman, November 30
Special Closing Event on December 4, 1-3 PM
Poet Gold Presenting her powerful new poem
“America, Where Are We Now?”
Nalini Rau, Choreographer dancing to a blend of classical Hindustani and classical Carnatic music.
Alan Cohen | Amy R Farrell | Bibiana Huang Matheis | Cathey Billian | Ceci Cole McInturff | Chris Combs | Corinne Lapin-Cohen | Elisa Pritzker | Elizabeth MacDonald | Elizabeth Rundquist | George Spencer | Irene Osborn | January Yoon Cho |Jebah Baum | Jo-Ann Brody | Jeremy K. Bullis | Jenna Lash | John Serembe | Joy Brown | Karen LaFleur | Kiyoko Sakai | Leonie Castelino | Leslie Pelino | Linda Stillman | Lisa Breznak | Liz Whitney Quisgard | Mireya Samper | Marcy B. Freedman | Marjorie Morrow | Marlow Shami | Michael Rothman | Michel Delgado | Nancy Tucker | Naomi Teppich | Niki Ketchman | Osiris Munir | Phylis Chadwick | Riva Weinstein | Rosalind Schneider | Suprina | Susan Obrant | Tanya Kukucka | Tomoo Nagai