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Pam Smilow

“I have always had trouble writing about my art. I can say it much better in paint. I can, though, describe my process, which I consider close to that of a jazz musician improvising. I do not hear a symphony in my head and then put it down. Instead, I build on every stroke I do, starting with the gesso and building up layer after layer after that. My surfaces are defined by and reflect the thickness of that build up. For my vocabulary, I draw heavily on childhood memories, on many personal experiences throughout the years, and my travels. Nature continues to be one of my biggest inspirations.”

“When I make a painting, I seek to create a little piece of beauty and a refuge from our busy and chaotic lives, an inspiration to do better and be better in the universe. I see each piece of my work as one step on a continuum, each painting not precious unto itself but as an ongoing journey.”

“I grew up in a Frank Lloyd Wright founded community, with a father who was an artist and mid-century modern furniture designer. I was told to look at this, look at that all the time. I did. From a young age, I was always comfortable using a visual vocabulary, expressing myself by playing with a variety of materials in both two and three dimensions. I consider myself very lucky to get up every day and enjoy what I do.” | |