Artists and musicians have reacted to the harsh reality of our current environmental destruction through their muses, making powerful protest statements, including the Inspiration Art Group International. Curator Bibiana Huang Matheis’ annual ‘Address Earth’ show, in which many members have exhibited, has directly confronted the issues that threaten the planet: deforestation, pollution, global warming, plastic/herbicide/pesticide poisoning of soil and water, habitat destruction and more.
We call it ‘Artivism’, a way of making a difference through art. We speak out, sing out and we shout out loud. We draw attention to the problems.
Yet, directly addressing an issue through art activism is a full step short of direct action. It is righteous passive resistance. The new program of the Inspiration Art Group International titled ‘Active Artivism’, spearheaded by member writer/photographer Frank Matheis, is the next progressive step to making a direct difference by focusing on supporting grassroots, boots-on-the-ground action where we can see the positive results firsthand.

The Inspiration Art Group International Sponsors Almond Tree in Costa Rica to save the Green Macaws
Art for a Change volunteer art project with breast cancer patients

Alexander Martinez – Saving the Macaws of Costa Rica, One Tree at a Time